Learn How To Meet New People & Make Friends With 24 Social Hobbies in 2024

Social Hobbies to Make Friends
Social Hobbies for Meeting New People

After spending way too much time indoors and isolated for the last year, it’s time to get back out and mingle with real humans.

Given our social skills are feeling pretty rusty, we compiled a list of social hobbies to help break the ice and meet new people. What’s great about new hobbies is that everyone was new once. Plus, you know with confidence that you already have something in common.

If you think we’ve missed an activity that’s helped you reconnect, let us know in the comments below.

Active Social Hobbies

1. Dancing

Starting with one of the active social hobbies, dancing comes in many styles. One of the popular social dancing styles is partner dancing. 

Partner dancing can be ballroom, salsa, swing dance, and many more. Learning in group dance classes and then dancing out at social nights is how most people start.

Not sure what partner dance style may be right for you? Check out this article for helpful information on these styles.

2. Running Group

Starting or joining a running group is a great way to get fit, explore the outdoors, and meet new people at the same time.

If your local area has groups, you can find one that matches the time and days that you’re available, or create a group, advertise it online or in the local paper, and invite friends.

You can choose interesting running trails if you have them, or go to the local running track or hit the streets. Running is amazing for your health, check out how it benefits your body and mind here.

3. Soccer

Make Friends Playing Beach Soccer

Team sports are wonderful social hobbies. Soccer – or football as some countries call it – is a running-based game of kicking the ball into goals.

There are many more in-depth rules to the game – which you can read here to learn – but in essence, it’s not difficult to understand or play.

You’ll get super fit and fast as you run a lot during a game, and make new friends with all of the people you play with.

4. Basketball

Basketball is another team sport that can also be a little more social than soccer since the field is smaller and people can generally chat more during a game.

If you’ve got good coordination skills, then you’ll find basketball easy to learn, since throwing and catching a ball and aiming for the hoop are the main parts of it. And if you don’t, we’ve reviewed the best online basketball courses so you can get started at home.

Want to get some insider’s basketball tips to refine your game before you join a team? Read this blog post on how to play with great form.

5. Volleyball

volleyball is social and competitive

Another team-based sport throwing a ball around is Volleyball. This sport is dynamic as you can play in and outdoors, or even beach volleyball.

It’s a fun and challenging game that will boost your fitness and give you a chance to meet new people in the process.

Volleyball requires a good technique of hitting the ball with your arms to pass it over the net. Learn how to do this right by watching this video tutorial.

6. Swimming

This active hobby isn’t a team-based sport, but it can be a social hobby if you decide to open up and talk to others while you’re out at the pool.

You could also go ocean-swimming with a group of people if that’s available to you in your area. Otherwise, most cities have public swimming pools you’ll be able to join.

Swimming is great for your health as it is low-impact for your joints, while also working your whole body. Learn about more benefits of swimming here. 

7. Hiking

Hiking with Friends

Another super physical entry on our list of social hobbies is hiking. It’s a great way to explore, get out into nature, and meet new people.

If your local area has hiking trails, you’re one step there. You can always go on weekend trips away to different towns and national parks to explore hiking trails.

Found a local hiking group to join, or start your own. Be sure that if you’re new to hiking, you have the essential gear. This article shares what you need.

8. Cycling

Cycling is a great cardio-boosting hobby that is also a lower impact sport than running or hiking, great for those with sensitive joints.

There are different types of social cycling groups – those that are more casual and suited to beginners, and then the hard-core professional cyclists. If you’re a beginner at cycling, learn more about the sport here.

If you’re new, definitely seek out a social cycling group that is suited for beginners with shorter distances and a slower pace, or start your own.

9. Paintball

Paintball if your friends are fierce

For the action-loving people who aren’t afraid to get a little dirty, and maybe slightly injured, paintball is a fun group activity. If you’ve never heard of it, learn more about paintball here.

Check out if your local area has an indoor or outdoor paintball facility and see if they hold social gatherings, or put a group together that meets regularly to hone their skills.

Team-based paintball is a fun and very active sport, especially suited to people who want to simulate video game-like ‘shooting’ adventures.

10. Ultimate Frisbee

This is a competitive active team sport game that involves throwing a flying disc to one another across an outdoor field. You score in much the same way you do in American football – by catching the frisbee in the opponent’s end zone.

It was developed as an actual team sport in 1968 in a high school in New Jersey. Now, people in schools, universities, workplaces, and more are getting together to play.

You’ll develop strong coordination skills, get more fit through running, and make new friends with those on your teams. Learn more about the sport here.

11. Martial Arts

Martial arts stems from a few different traditions, mostly hailing from Asian regions. There’s Kung Fu, Karate, Krav Maga, and many more.

There are usually plenty of martial arts studios in most cities. It’s a great way to meet new people while getting fit, healthy and feeling renewed self-confidence.

It’s different from boxing or fighting, as there is usually a lot of mental training, learning conduct, and even spiritual lessons involved. Learn more about different martial arts styles that you can try here. Or if you want to jump in and get a sense of what to expect, you check out our martial arts course reviews here.

12. Indoor Climbing

Socialize year round with rock-climbing

Rock climbing is another physical social hobby that will test your courage, get you fit and strong, and give you an environment to meet new friends.

Rock/wall climbing is a collaborative hobby, as you’ll often have others help to hold your harness and encourage your efforts as they watch. 

If you’re uncertain about trying it because you’re new, know that there are beginner classes and courses available at indoor climbing gyms. Learn more about how to start here.

Intellectual Social Hobbies

13. Book Club

A book club is where people get together and share their opinions and answer questions about the same book that they read.

Starting a book club hobby means either finding one to join or creating your own and inviting friends and friends of friends to join to meet new people.

It’s an intellectual social hobby that also doubles up as a reading hobby. Search book lists online for recommendations that would be great for book clubs.

14. Learn a Language

It can be challenging to learn a new language, but doing it with others is a great way to practice, meet new people, and not feel alone in the challenge!

There are many language classes available in person or online. Rather than doing a private one-to-one language class, find the group classes.

Once you’re clear on the language you wish to learn, read about the culture of that region to get more familiar with the history and context of the language.

15. Music Club

Music with Friends

A music club is one where people get together who love to play instruments, and practice and jam with other people.

There are many ways to experience a music club. It could be made up of people who play the same instrument, or all different kinds.

Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, it can always be beneficial to meet with like-minded people and learn from one another. If you’re wanting to start by learning an instrument, check out this article which helps you choose an instrument.

16. Chess Club

This board game is one of the most intelligent social hobbies you can try. Chess is a game of strategy and problem-solving moving pieces around a board with an opponent.

Though you only play one other person at a time, chess clubs can have multiple games running where the winners end up playing each other.

It’s a great way to train your brain and meet like-minded people. Learn more about the rules of chess here. Or if you prefer to start your own Queen’s Gambit training today, check out our chess class reviews.

17. Documentary Club

This hobby is about getting together to watch documentaries and then discuss them with a group of people.

It’s similar to a book club in this way, and it’s a great way to learn about interesting historical, social, ecological, and creative issues and events in the world.

Putting a club together is quite simple – just choose a documentary each week and meet up with some people! Learn more about starting a documentary club here.

18. Meditation Group

Group Meditation

Meditation is a hobby that focuses on calming the mind and developing self-awareness and mindfulness. It’s a spiritual tradition that has many mental, emotional and physical health benefits.

Joining, or starting a meditation group is a way to connect with others who are also sharing similar interests to you – whether spiritual or otherwise – and spending social time in a relaxed and mindful way.

Simply search for meditation clubs/groups in your local area, or begin one (if you feel confident to host it) and advertise with flyers and online.

Creative Social Hobbies

19. Cooking

Cooking with Friends

Creative people who wish to meet new friends can try a hobby like going to regular group cooking classes to learn new cuisines and dishes.

Cooking is a social act, where we already share meals with friends and family. Enjoying learning about and practicing cooking skills as a group is a way to make this a social hobby.

Taking group cooking classes is great to share the joy of cooking, chat, help each other and learn new recipes from one another. And if it turns out you’re nervous and want to brush up on your skills beforehand, check out our cooking and baking reviews.

20. Writing Club

Writing clubs are wonderful ways to motivate yourself to hone your writing skills, or create pieces of writing that you’ve been meaning to for a long time. Our reviews for the best beginner writing courses can also give you a head start.

You can join a specific writing club like a story writing club or poetry club, or simply a mixed writing club that allows you to work on your own pieces. They can be in-person or online groups.

When writing in a group, sharing your creations and getting feedback from others is super helpful to develop your writing talents and finish those stories you’ve been working on.

21. Knitting Club

Knitting with Friends

Among the many creative social hobbies, this one is a relaxing creative hobby where you can create knitted materials, clothes, and objects together with others and enjoy great conversations. 

Knitting is an easy skill to learn, and beginners can check out articles like this one to explore how to start learning the skill to create or join a club.

Meeting others who can also knit and then coming together regularly to work on your creations and chat is a sweet way to make this a social hobby.

22. Drawing Club

Drawing clubs are fun ways to expand your drawing skills, get inspired by the talents and styles of others, and encourage yourself to stay consistent in your drawing.

You can also take group drawing classes, where there is an instructor to teach skills. Both are great options for a creative social hobby.

If you’re just getting started with drawing and want some tips before you begin, take a look at these drawing tutorials and short online courses.

23. Amateur Theatre

This hobby is where people get together who have an interest in acting and singing and creating stage plays, musicals, variety shows, and more.

It’s a very artistic and social hobby that is often a very collaborative effort in creating the performances, where friends and family can come to watch.

If you’ve always wanted to try out singing, acting, and even dancing on stage, search for a local amateur theatre company in your area.

24. Pottery Classes


Pottery is a very hands-on creative hobby that allows you to create decorations, homewares, dishware, and other objects with clay.

Whether you’re already a potter and wish to join a club, or want to learn in a class, getting together with a group for this hobby is valuable.

You will learn from the way others create their pieces, and also have some interesting conversations with new people as you create. Learn more about the art of pottery here.