Learn How To Become A Trig Expert With 2025‘s Top 7+ Best Online Trigonometry Courses

Best Online Trigonometry Courses
Best Online Trigonometry Courses & Lessons

For many people (including myself), trigonometry has always been a hard subject to learn. But it doesn’t have to be!

Below, you will find some of the best online trigonometry courses and lessons in 2025 that are ideal for beginners or those with some existing knowledge.

Also, with many of these classes, there are on-demand videos, workbooks, practice quizzes, and resources for a better learning experience. Let’s get started!

Top 7+ Best Online Trigonometry Courses & Lessons 2025

1. Trigonometry (Brilliant.org)

Trigonometry Brilliant Org Learn How To Become A Trig Expert With [year]'s Top 7+ Best Online Trigonometry Courses

Let’s start with a brilliant trigonometry course from Brilliant.org. If you haven’t heard of Brilliant, they focus on teaching high school and college-level math, science, and coding through highly visual online courses and interesting puzzles.

In their top-rated trigonometry course, you’ll start with the basic right triangle and use those fundamentals to work up all the way to polar graphing, and highly useful concept used for plotting coordinates and determining the direction of travel (think: GPS). In between, you’ll become proficient with sine, cosine, and tangent, learn how to work through the cartesian plane, layer in frequencies, and use identified to transform and simplify trigonometric expressions.

Brilliant.org is most useful in presenting information in a wide range of ways to ensure you move past rote memorization and into a deep understanding of the underlying concepts. So you’ll explore trigonometry from both algebraic and geometric lenses all within a comprehensive math program.

Brilliant is a subscription program giving you access to their full 60+ subject catalog using a range of payment options including monthly, annual, and even lifetime subscriptions. And while they don’t broadly advertise it, they also have a 7-day free trial if you want to sample some of the courses before you enroll.


  • 37 interactive lessons
  • Almost 300 exercises
  • Perfect for high school students
  • Interactive App for both IOS & Android
  • includes access to in-depth Wiki

2. Trigonometry Help Online (Princeton Review)

Trigonometry Help Online - Princeton Review

Next up is an interesting concept I found in researching this article from test prep experts at Princeton Review. You might know them for the award-winning PSAT, SAT, and ACT prep courses.

But this is not an online course as much as it is an on-demand instructor, one that you can connect with whenever you have trouble with your homework or get stumped on a problem. I thought I’d include this because many times it’s not that you need a course to learn, but rather need help to ace the course you’re already taking.

There are top-notch instructors who are available to help 24/7, which is good because we know that high school students sometimes have a tendency to keep unusual hours. The best part of this service is that there’s no appointment needed – so you can get the help exactly when you realize you need it.

Right now, they’re offering a free trial to try out their trigonometry tutors for free.

3. Ultimate Guide to Trigonometry (Udemy)

Ultimate guide to Trigonometry

For those looking for a deep dive into trigonometry that is easy to follow and beginner-friendly, this course can’t be missed! By the end of this lesson, you will become familiar with Pythagoras’ Theorem and trigonometric functions that will allow you to work through a range of different problems.

Your instructor for this course will be Adi Chanda, who has more than 10 years of experience working as a math tutor. Adi also offers a large number of courses on Udemy for primary/high school math and has taught over 17,000 students!

Some of the lessons taught in this 4-hour course include an introduction to Pythagoras’ Theorem, SOH, CAH, and TOA, calculating angles of triangles, calculating unknown angles, elevations, depressions, sine/cosine rules, and calculating bearing/compass directions.

There are also 32 downloadable resources which include workbooks, practice tests, and additional guides!

Overall, this is an excellent trigonometry course for anyone who wants to increase their trigonometry skills. You will also be joining 1,000+ students who have already completed this class and obtained a certificate of completion!

  • 4 hours on-demand video
  • Worksheets and answers available
  • For high school students
  • Highly rated course
  • Certificate of completion available
  • Over 1,000 students

Visit Udemy.com

4. Become a Trigonometry & Precalculus Master (Udemy)

Become a Trigonometry & Precalculus Master

For those who may have some existing knowledge of trigonometry, or are seeking out a challenge, this comprehensive 15-hour trigonometry and precalculus MasterClass is sure to do the job!

As for your teacher, you will be instructed by Krista King, who is extremely passionate about maths and even runs her own YouTube channel that has over 200,000 subscribers! Krista also has a gift of making complex concepts simple and easy to understand with her straight-forward explanations and illustrations.

Some of the many topics covered in this course include measuring angles in radians, trigonometric functions, sine and cosine rules, polar coordinates, and graphing trigonometric functions. Krista also touches on how to measure degrees, angles, DMS, radians, oriented arcs, and also some more advanced inverse trigonometric functions.

This course is currently a bestseller on Udemy, having been taken by almost 20,000 students. Overall, this is a fantastic online trigonometry class for those who want a challenge, while also learning the basics.

  • 13 hours on-demand video
  • 302 lessons
  • 89 quizzes
  • Highly acclaimed teacher
  • Certificate of completion available
  • Over 19,000 students

Visit Udemy.com

5. Khan Academy- Trigonometry (Khan Academy)

Khan Academy- Trigonometry

Moving on to my next pick is an introductory trigonometry course offered by the free education platform, Khan Academy. This particular course offers a unique blend of video lectures, articles, and exercises that are peppered throughout.

During the video lectures, you will be learning from nonother than Sal Khan, founder of the Khan Academy. Needless to say, Sal is a highly acclaimed tutor, having produced almost 8000 video lectures on science, economics, and mathematics.

Some of the many mini-lessons taught in this class are ratios in right triangles, trigonometric equations/ identities, trigonometric functions, modeling, sines/cosines, solving unknown angles, and more! Also, since the sub-sections are clearly labeled, students can handpick and skip topics that only apply to them.

For those who want to test their new knowledge, there is also a multiple-choice test at the end to help absorb what you have learned. Overall, this is a great choice for anybody who wants to learn basic trigonometry for free!

  • Articles and videos
  • Word-class instructor
  • Multiple choice test
  • Free course

Visit Khanacademy.org

 6. Dave’s Short Trig Course (Clark University)

Dave’s Short Trig Course

This is a short and sweet text-based trigonometry course. Everything is illustrated with nice diagrams, along with some mention of trigonometry’s ancient Greek origin and applications in engineering and physics.

The course is created by David E. Joyce, a professor at Clark University. He has a few other courses on other mathematical topics, such as complex numbers and Euclid’s Elements, which are available on his Clark University personal page.

Dave’s Short Trig Course starts with giving you some background on trigonometry and its applications, before introducing some geometry and the trigonometric functions themselves. He then moves onto the sine and cosine rules. Finally, he goes through Ptolemy’s sum and difference formulas.

This gem reads much like a short textbook on trigonometry, with each section having exercises to complete. For those interested in grounding their learning in some history and gaining from David’s expertise, check this one out.

  • Free course
  • History and applications covered
  • 18 short text-based lessons
  • Professor instructor

Visit www2.clarku.edu

7. Trigonometry- The Unit Circle, Angles & Right Triangles (Udemy)

Trigonometry- The Unit Circle, Angles & Right Triangles

For those looking to find an in-depth guide to trigonometry, this 20-hour Udemy course might be what you’re after. The instructor guides you through a huge number of example problems, so you’ll be well prepared for lots of trigonometry questions by the time you have finished.

Your instructor will be Julio Gonzalez, who has a YouTube channel where he has tutorial videos on chemistry, mathematics, and physics. He is a talented educator and his videos have received almost 300 million views.

Over 165 lectures, Julio covers radians, trigonometric functions, using the “SOHCAHTOA” mnemonic, angles of elevation and depression problems, graphing the trigonometric functions, and the double angle formula. Julio doesn’t skim over anything and approaches topics from many perspectives.

Julio has taught over 6,000 students on Udemy and is a highly rated instructor on the platform. This is a great option for those that are looking for detailed and thorough lectures on trigonometry, along with a generous dose of example problems. Overall, this is one of the top online trigonometry courses!

  • Comprehensive course
  • Certificate of completion available
  • Highly rated instructor
  • Over 1,000 students

Visit Udemy.com

8. Intuitive Trigonometry (Better Explained)

Intuitive Trigonometry

You will find this course lives up to its name, offering informal yet lucid explanations along with plenty of illustrations, over 4 short, text-based lessons. He uses some very clever analogies to give you some deeper understanding of trigonometry.

Kalid Azad is the creator of Intuitive Trigonometry, along with hundreds of other math topics available on his site, Better Explained. He is a software developer and has founded the Y Combinator start-up.

He begins by introducing trigonometric functions and deriving trigonometric identities using Euler’s formula. He then covers sine and cosine rules. What separates Kalid’s course from the others is his striking use of creative analogies to help drive home his explanations. He uses the idea of a dome to explain the unit circle trigonometric definitions, along with an analogy involving a chef for the cosine law.

Better Explained has been featured in the New York Times, The Atlantic, and Scientific American. If you enjoy Kalid’s unique brand of teaching, you should check out some of his other math courses. I recommend this course to anybody who wants a different angle on trigonometry.

  • Free course
  • 4 text-based lessons
  • Very unique style
  • Short course
  • Highly acclaimed teacher

Visit Betterexplained.com