23+ Engaging Hobbies For Engineers To Start Now!

hobbies for engineers

Engineers are hard workers, so taking the load off with picking up a new hobby could be just the thing you need if you are feeling like your engineering work is consuming your life!

The following list of hobbies for engineers gives a great range of the different types of hobbies that suit many different interests, from creative work to outdoor active hobbies, there’s something for every engineer here.

Read on to learn about what you need to get started, and also for some recommendations for resources to get you on the right track when starting your new hobby. Let’s get started!

23+ Engaging Hobbies For Engineers To Start Now!

1. Metalworking


First on my list is metalworking which involves working with different metals by heating and shaping them to create functional components or art.

You need to understand how metal can be shaped, formed, cut, and joined, and that takes learning and practice. You also need to research the right metalworking tools that you will use.

Taking up metalworking is a challenging hobby that allows you to create some amazing things, like sculptures, tools, useful new inventions, and more. To get started, check out this guide here!

2. Woodworking

Similar to metalworking, woodworking is one of the more hands-on hobbies for engineers to express their crafty skills by creating objects, decorations, and furniture with wood.

While woodworking does involve some upfront investment of tools, you can start small with just a hammer, chisel, and a hand saw. Skillshare has some great woodworking courses that can guide beginners in how to start woodworking.

3. Scale Modeling

Scale Modeling

Scale modeling can involve anything from making miniature figurines to cars, machinery, houses, and more out of different materials like clay, wood, or even a 3d printer.

This hobby can be picked up by pure beginners, but it helps if you have the skills to work with intricate tools, and love to be artistic. There are 1,000s of kits available in a wide range of niches to help get you started, or you can make up your own!

4. Lego

Lego as a hobby is even more accessible than the crafting hobbies above, as you might even have some in storage from when you were a child! If not, there is an endless amount of adult Lego sets available, with new ones being released every year.

Engineers love this hobby as they can still express their love of building and problem-solving in working with lego, and anyone of any age can join (a great hobby to share with children).

4. Drawing


As another one of our creative hobbies for engineers, drawing is simple and gives you lots of ways to create – from drawing figures, landscapes, objects, to abstract drawing and using different mediums like pencils, charcoal, and more.

You simply need a pencil and paper, to begin with! And something that inspires you to want to create as art. Drawing is something we have all been doing since we were very young, so it’s not a hobby that needs any specific skill to begin.

You’ll get the most out of drawing if you do learn some skills along the way, however, like following tutorials to understand perspective, shading, and more. To get started, you can see my list of free online drawing classes.

5. Painting

Similar to drawing, painting is a versatile hobby that anyone can pick up which will allow you to express your creativity while also having fun.

If you’re a pure beginner, start out with acrylic paints, as they are the easiest to work with. Once your skill level increases from practice and learning, you can advance to watercolor or oil.

6. Learn a Language

Learn a Language

This immerse hobby has a great outcome – you’ll get to eventually speak another language, which is super helpful to make new friends, for work, or when you travel.

There are many ways to learn a language, and you don’t need much to start except for a tutor, course, or book, and time to practice.

We suggest going with a guided tutor to learn languages, as it is easier to hear the words and sentences. Check out Skillshare’s language courses here.

6. Musical Instrument

Engineers are very technical in their work, so if you’re looking for a hobby that lets you express that, then learning a musical instrument is a good choice.

Like learning a language, you’ll need patience and time to practice and some way that you will learn the instrument (course, tutor, etc).

Pick your instrument first, maybe by trying out a few, and then seek out a good course or lessons in your area. Here’s an interesting blog about learning musical instruments for beginners.

7. Growing Vegetables

Growing Vegetables

We love hobbies for engineers that are dual-purpose – like growing vegetables. This is not only enjoyable to put your time towards, but gives you food to eat at the end of it!

You’ll need basic gardening knowledge, which you can learn from a good gardening book, as well as a little plot of land ideally to put your veggie seeds in.

Gardening requires upkeep, which means that it is a hobby that requires you to consistently show up and tend to it. To learn more, you can see my guide here on the top online gardening courses.

10. Photography

Photography is another one of our creative hobbies for engineers. It is taking images of people, places, and things in artistic and technical ways.

Everyone can start today if you have a camera or even a camera phone. Eventually, getting a good camera and lenses will be advantageous to continue with photography loons-term.

There are fun social photography groups to join, so it also doesn’t have to be a solo hobby. Read this blog about social photography here.

11. Comic Collecting

Comic Collecting

This enjoyable pastime is one of the more traditional hobbies for engineers to take up, as it has been around for decades. This is about collecting comics to keep in pristine condition for their value, rather than reading them.

Most collectors will choose a focus – a writer, character, year, or something else. The value of each issue is determined by popularity, availability, quality of the comic book, and more. All you need to start this hobby is money to collect comic books!

It can get pricey, so comic book collecting is something you’ll be saving up for and taking slowly, which is great if you are dedicated and have patience. Check out more tips for comic collecting here.

12. Puzzles

This is a very broad hobby, as you can do puzzles physically or online, and they can be word or number puzzles, jigsaw, blocks, and more.

You could focus on one type of puzzle and get good at that, or you can try a new puzzle each week to change things up. All you need is access to the puzzle to start!

Puzzles require focus, patience, problem-solving and creative thinking, all of which are part of the engineer’s skill set! Check out some online puzzles here.

13. Knitting


Knitting is a craft that uses two needles to stretch thread together to create fabric, clothing, objects, and more.

It’s a relaxing hobby that requires you to learn the right stitches and use of the needles, as well as the ability to follow a pattern or instructions.

Beginners will benefit from taking a guided knitting class, which can be in-person or online. Check out my guide here on how to get started with knitting.

14. Video Games

Playing video games is a nice escape for the workaholic engineer who wants to travel to another world! These games generally involve the player being a certain character, and they require a strategy to work towards an ultimate goal.

If you like problem-solving, you’ll like playing video games. You need either the right kind of game console (like a Nintendo or Playstation) or you can play entirely online.

15. Beer Brewing

Beer Brewing

Brewing beer at home is a fun hobby for the engineer who loves handcrafted brews!

You need basic ingredients like your grain of choice, yeast, and water, and to follow a certain formula that you’ll learn through research. To find out about what you need, and how to craft the beer to your unique taste, learn more here.

16. Hiking

Now we share some active hobbies for engineers. Hiking is a great way to connect with nature, challenge yourself physically, and explore different scenery like national parks and mountains.

You also need a good pair of hiking shoes, as hiking can be tough on the feet. As well, pre-plan where you will go and what you might need (snacks, water, etc) depending on how long each hike is.

Hiking is also a social hobby, where you could go out on weekends with a group of hikers and meet new people. Read more about hiking here.

17. Working Out

Working Out

What’s great about working out as a hobby is that you get fit and healthy, and you can start anywhere (you don’t even need a gym at all).

Having a consistent exercise regime is what makes working out a hobby. You can go to the gym and do weights, try out local gym classes in your area, or take online workouts.

You just need the motivation to begin and to keep yourself accountable to show up. Pick a time that suits you (morning vs afternoon) and start today! Check out these online workouts for inspiration.

18. Martial Arts

This hobby included different fighting styles such as Judo, Karate, Kung Fu, and more. Starting this hobby gives you fitness, new friends, and also some great self-defense skills.

Martial arts need to be practiced with others, though you can start learning basic moves from home. It’s best to find a local studio to learn in person.

19. Golf


Golf is a great hobby to get you outdoors, without expending too much energy. You may walk a lot, however, which is good light exercise. The game is centered around hitting the ball into various holes around the course and tracking points as you go.

Golf doesn’t require you to have special talents to begin, as you will learn the technique along the way. Practice makes perfect with this hobby, and it’s a good idea to get help from a tutor to refine your swing.

What’s great about this hobby is that you can be social and take part in competitions, or simply go golfing with friends on the weekend. Learn more about the rules of golf here.

20. Running

As another one of the more active hobbies for engineers, running is simple and easy to start – just go outside and run!

You will need basic fitness to start, but eventually, the more you run, the more you will feel comfortable doing so, and the longer you can run for as you build fitness.

It can be helpful to work towards a goal to begin, like 2km, then 5km, then 10km, and maybe even a marathon! Find local running groups in your area, and take part in social races, not the weekend.

21. Soccer

Soccer is a high-energy sport that requires a lot of running as well. You play this sport in a team, where the two teams face-off with the goal to get more scores by kicking the ball into the goal in a certain period of time.

This sport is one of the most popular sports in the world. This means that it shouldn’t be too hard to find a local soccer club to join. Practice kicking and running with a ball at home, and get in good shape for the game.

22. Basketball

Rather than move the ball around with your foot, as in soccer, basketball is all about using your hands to bounce the ball as you move it across the court, to eventually throw it into the goal basket. It’s played in two teams.

Basketball requires some fitness, as well as an understanding of the rules, and good hand-eye coordination. Practice at home and join a team, or create a team with your friends to play socially. To learn more, check out my guide on some of the top online basketball lessons and training.

23. Partner Dancing

Partner dancing, such as ballroom dancing, is not only a way to get fit, but to also meet new people, dance to the rhythm, and learn techniques that could come in handy in the future!

There are pure beginner classes at every dance studio, or you could get private lessons with the teacher, or with a partner, if you decide to try it with your friend or spouse. Having some rhythm helps, but other than that, anyone can do this hobby.