Follow Up Email After Networking Event (+7 Examples!)

Follow Up Email After Networking Event

Follow Up Email After Networking Event EXAMPLES AND TEMPLATES

You’ve put your best social and professional foot forward in that recent networking event. You met potential clients, employers, and partners, and now you’re waiting for the connections to magically be created. 

Guess what? They won’t. Not on their own, that is! If you’re looking to develop strong professional relationships in business, just attending the networking event is not enough. It’s vital to take action immediately and follow up. 

Below are some quality examples of emails you can follow up with, so you’ll feel confident with how to write the best follow up email after networking event.

Follow Up Email After Networking Event (7 Examples!)

Follow Up Email After Networking Event

1. Standard follow up email after networking event


I’m reaching out to express that I appreciated our conversation at [EVENT NAME] on [DATE OF EVENT]. 

I really enjoyed our chat about [SOMETHING YOU DISCUSSED] and would love to dive further into these topics with you, if you feel inspired also. 

Let me know if you’d like to meet up again for coffee to continue our conversation. 

I look forward to hearing from you soon, have a great day.

Thank you, 


2. Potential employer follow up email after networking event


I enjoyed meeting you at [EVENT NAME] on [DATE OF EVENT]. I’m still feeling inspired about our discussion and would love to talk more about the potential roles you may have available for me to join [COMPANY NAME].

I’m sure you felt my enthusiasm for what your company is doing, and I feel very aligned with the mission of [COMPANY’S MISSION/VALUES]. 

Would you have space to set up an interview in the coming days to discuss the possibilities of joining your company? I understand you are hiring for [ROLE NAME] currently, and I’m eager to apply.

Please let me know if there’s anything else you need from me as you consider my potential application. 

Thank you for your consideration, 


3. Potential client follow up email after networking event


I was happy to meet you at [EVENT NAME] on [DATE OF EVENT]. How was the rest of your experience?

I’d love to hear about now of your biggest takeaways from the event.

When we spoke, I felt your inspiration for [TOPIC YOU SPOKE ABOUT] and it was refreshing to feel our common threads of values and our mission in the world.

I feel as if my work with [COMPANY NAME] can really add value to what you’re looking to achieve, and I’d love to set up a time to discuss this further with you and hear about your future goals and vision.

Let me know if you’d like to chat more, and we can set up a time to meet, or potentially have a call.

Thank you, 


4. Potential partner follow up email after networking event


Great to connect with you at [EVENT NAME] on [DATE OF EVENT]. 

I felt your inspiration and passion for [TOPIC OF INTEREST] when we spoke, and I feel as if we have similar values and visions for the world!

It was interesting to hear your take on [SOMETHING THEY SHARED] and I’m eager to hear more.

From what we spoke about, I think there are some potential areas for us to create together and would love to discuss the possibilities with you.

How do you feel about meeting up for a coffee sometime?

I look forward to hearing from you soon, 


5. Potential employee follow up email after networking event


I wanted to personally reach out to you in regard to our conversation at [EVENT NAME] on [DATE OF EVENT]. 

I could feel your enthusiasm for what you do, and I am interested to discuss the possibility of you working [YOUR COMAPNY], as I feel that there is potential here in your alignment with our mission and values, from what I gathered from our conversation. 

I’d like to invite you to chat further about this, with a phone or in-person interview, if you’re interested.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

With regards, 


6. Brand collaboration follow up email after networking event


It was nice to meet you at [EVENT NAME] on [DATE OF EVENT]. I loved speaking with you about [TOPICS YOU SPOKE ABOUT] and I feel like we are on the same wavelength with a lot of our ideas and interests. 

I’m inspired by your passion for [THEIR ROLE/COMPANY NAME/BRAND] and would love to hear more about your work.

Especially as I feel like there’s a possibility for us to work in collaboration with having such similar audiences!

I have a few ideas already as to how we might be able to team up, and I’d love to share them with you over a coffee or meeting how this could benefit our clientele and our companies in a creative way.

Let me know if you’d like to hear more, and we can make it happen.

Looking forward to discussing this further,


7. Second follow up email after networking event


This is [YOUR NAME] from [COMPANY NAME], reaching out to you again. 

I sent you an email last week about [EMAIL TOPIC], after we attended the [EVENT NAME] on [DATE OF EVENT]. 

I wanted to reach out to see whether you’ve been considering [POINT OF PREVIOUS EMAIL] and if you’d like to go ahead and make a time to discuss more?

I’m still very much interested to connect deeper, and if you feel aligned, let me know.

In any case, it was great to meet you at [EVENT NAME], and I hope we cross paths again. 

Kind regards, 


If you are looking for some more examples, check out my post on 7 polite follow-up email templates!
